Wednesday 21 March 2018

Week 3 EXP1: The 36 Textures


In between


Texture selected

Applied on model

Designer's work


Revival Cycles

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Week 2 EXP1: The Four Stairs

When designing for staircases, Gucci was put on top and Revival Cycle was put on the bottom.

Sketches for Gucci

Model Generated

Sketch for Revival Cycles
(Circular, Edge)

Model Generated


Week 2 EXP1: The Model

The sketches of multiple and circular were used to generate the first model.

Week 1 EXP1: The 18 Sketches

The clients chosen were Gucci and Revival Cycles.




Tuesday 6 March 2018

Week 1 EXP1: The Three Words

Client 1: Gucci 

Noun: Angle
Adjective: Multiple
Verb: Framed


Client 2: CJ Hendry

Noun: Reflection
Adjective: Elevated
Verb: Suspend

Client 3:Revival Cycles

Noun: Edge
Adjective: Circular
 Verb: Expose